How would you measure the success of your idea?

How will you know if your idea is a success? You don’t need fancy growth charts, milestone maps, and achievement metrics. Success is different for everyone, but there is some goal or milestone that when you reach it, you’ll feel like your idea was a success.

Is perfect important? The killer of good ideas.

You want your work to be amazing. We all do. But if you strive to reach perfection you’re not only more likely to fail, you’re missing out on the powerful side effects of releasing when it’s done enough.

What would you think about your own idea?

This is a simple but powerful exercise when you are validating your idea. You could almost think of it as a mental prototype to gain a new perspective of your idea. What would you yourself think about your idea if someone else was pitching it to you?

Who is your topic for? Define your target audience.

Your work should be for a particular, defined person. Also known as a buyer persona, or target audience. You need to know exactly who you will change with the work you put into the world so you can focus your time actually helping them.